My Most Watched Horror Movies

Everybody loves lists right? This is the Internet after all. So I thought it might be fun to list the horror movies I have revisited the most over the years. Good or bad, these are my go to movies, my chicken soup of 'filmic' goodness if you will. They perk me up after a hard days work, with their fun characters and outrageous plots. That's what so great about these make believe stories we hold so dear, the characters, the emotions, and our own nostalgic fondness we instill in them. Anyway that's enough of my ramblings, let the countdown begin.

Pieces (1982)
I was actually surprised by how many times I watched this movie in the last few years. I log all my viewing on the website Letterboxd, and since 2013 I have viewed 'Pieces' 6 times. I know that might not sound like a lot, but it is the highest re-watched film I have there, next to 'Halloween'. The movie itself remains a cheesy blast of slasher tropes, bad dubbing, and some of the best practical gore you will ever see. Altogether now: "BASTARDS!".

The Burning (1982)
I just love this flick. I think it has the best collection of teens ever slaughtered in a slasher, they are just so believable and authentic. Cropsy is a great villain as well, his deformed face, his razor sharp shears drenched in blood, so iconic.
Evil Dead 2 (1987)
This was one of the few movies back in the day I used to watch on repeat. To the teenage brain, 'Evil Dead' 2 is pure unadulterated crack.

Curtains  (1983)
'Curtains' has had me in a choke hold for the past 9 years, ever since I first watched a fuzzy, washed-out VHS rip. I don't know why I love it so much? Is it Paul Zaza's perfectly creepy music? John Vernon's magnetic performance? The fact this came out on Blu-ray is enough for me to never want anything in life again.

Sorority House Massacre (1986)
I remember the exact moment I feel in love with this movie. I was off work for the day, lazily I dragged myself out of bed around 11 am and headed for a nearby shop. After securing my prize of a cholesterol stuffed role, I climbed back into bed and bathed in the warm glow of this flick. The satisfying feeling of fullness emitted from my stomach, as I surrendered to the cheesy delights of this slasher. Recently released on a stunning Blu-ray, I continue to revisit it again and again, and yes I know it's terrible.
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
Probably my favourite entry in the Haddonfield saga. I have watched this horror sequel a nauseating amount of times, this is just pure nostalgia for me. I find 'Return Of' strikes the perfect balance between the slow buildup of 1, and the violent murders of 2, and man those creepy opening credits with the desolate farms and swaying scarecrows, just brilliant. Daniel Harris is also terrific, probably the best she has ever been.

I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) 
Saw this at the cinema when it first came out, can't stop watching it ever since, prefer it to 'Scream', I am also insane by the way.

Friday the 13th (1980) 
I used to just randomly put this movie on as a kid, I still do, and it remains awesome.
Halloween (1978)
The first movie to properly scare me as a kid. I remember returning to bed after watching it, I could feel my breath quickening, I was now terrified of the dark, all thanks to Michael Myers. Of course that didn't stop me from watching the Hell out of it again and again.

American Psycho (2000)
After wearing out my original VHS tape, I decided the best thing to do was savour it as much I could. Now I only watch it once a year on my birthday, a tradition I have maintained for the past 5 years. And yes, I do consider it a horror.